Configuration Options

Use the available configuration options to customize your experience. Configurations are saved automatically upon change when possible. There is also a Save button, usable in older browsers which do not support auto-save.

Vertical fanning space

This setting determines how densely packed the cards are when fanned vertically.


This setting determines whether to cycle through the available cardbacks (one cardback per deck) each time a new game is started, or use a fixed cardback for all decks.

Abandon game confirmation

This setting determines under which circumstances an abandon prompt should be given for leaving incomplete games. Golf Solitaire will skip this prompt in case the game is lost as a result of running out of legal moves.

Downturn hints

This setting determines whether face-down cards should be given a hint in their tooltips [Ex: (Ace of Spades)], or not. Effectiveness may vary widely from device to device.

Audio system

If enabled, background music will play once the first move has been played.