Welcome to Differentiation Challenge! Best of luck on your journey!
Score 0 / 100
Life 0 / 10
Timer -'--
Question 1


The rules of Differentiation Challenge are somewhat simple. The player is dealt a series of randomly generated questions, and the objective is to answer each one correctly. Correct answers award a point and allow for life regeneration. Incorrect answers deduct a large chunk of life. Difficulty increases as the score increases.

In Sudden Death, a single missed question will deplete the entire life pool. Like Arcade Mode, new question types are unlocked every 20 points.

Arcade Mode has several point thresholds that, when reached, increase the player's max life. The first increase is granted at 5 points, but each subsequent increase is slightly further than the one before it. Also, new question types are unlocked every 20 points. Once difficulty reaches near maximum at 80 points, no more life upgrades will be provided.

Some questions are timed, allowing just 30 seconds to answer them. Additionally, they are a persistent threat; causing a slight reduction of life with each incorrect answer given, while still keeping the timer running down. If time runs out without successfully providing a correct answer, the player's life pool is reduced to 1; if getting an untimed question wrong would otherwise not eliminate the player!

The game is won if the required score goal can be reached. The game is lost if the life pool empties out.