Available packs

Vanilla Pack

The Button

The Button is probably the simplest solvable vanilla module. Yet, we still found a few quick facts.

Complicated Wires

Complicated Wires may seem intimating, but it loses part of its complications (pardon the pun) once these bullets are noted.


We have found a few quickies for Keypad.


None of the 9 possible Maze layouts has a circle share positions with another.


Memory is well up there in complexity. Yet, we have found a few shortcuts.

Morse Code

Morse Code itself is fairly simple... in its original package.

Needy Modules

The available three needy modules have a few fun facts. Some are shared, some are unique.


Password is exceptionally simple... in its original package.

Simon Says

Simon Says is also exceptionally simple... again, in its original package.

Who's On First

Who's on First has a decent amount of complexity. Nonetheless, these facts can be used to optimize this module.


Wires is not exactly a complex module, but it still exposes a few fun facts.

Wire Sequence

Wire Sequence is well up there in complexity, since it requires keeping counts of each of three colors. We found a few quickies nonetheless.

Adjacent Pack modules


9-Ball (by GhostSalt) is a fairly simple module.

Adjacent Letters

Adjacent Letters (by Timwi and Lumbud84) is a rather tough add-on module.


Modulo (by Royal_Flu$h) itself is extremely simple. Katane Blitz takes advantage of this and upgrades this module as more modules are disarmed in Arcade games.


Switches (by Brian Fetter) is deceptively simple.