Welcome to the Nevergalaxy, a collection of Neverball and Neverputt sub-projects.
Neverball Clockwork was the primary Neverball project at one point. Introducing collectible clocks to the game, it opened the door for more level design.
The code has since been included in the core game. The 50 levels comprising of the pioneer level sets can still be downloaded and integrated into any compatible build.
Puttworks Courses comprises of two courses of varying difficulty. A few wacky concepts are present in these courses.
curveUI is a front-end for the official curve program. Although it doesn't do complex curves justice, being able to visualize a curve before generating it can be useful.
mapcUI is a front-end for the official mapc program. It is able to perform batch compilations of map folders.
We experimented with random course tournaments
back in 2014. The experiment did not work, due to multiple issues. We have left the courses here as a small bit of history.