The Scorpius War Battle Report


Ever since the lost races first encountered each other in about Year 0228 BN, a universe-wide war for sole survival had begun. It became increasingly more violent over time, as more population migrated from the Great Void.

The population did begin to decline, somewhere around Year 0130 BN. In about Year 0072 BN, the overall population nearly reached the point of extinction. The war went underground as a result of the incredibly low population.

Only in Year 0006 BN was the population revitalized. This time, the war has taken into a brand new direction. The races are now seeking to become emperor of the Echo Cluster.

Every so often, about every 8 Nu years, a new emperor war starts. In order for an officer to compete in any emperor war, they must be one of the top players of the race they wish to participate the war as. Such officers must win several smaller battles in order to rise to the top ranks.

In Year 0009, the very first Zodiac Emperor war, named The Scorpius War, has now become reality. All eleven races have each named a supreme commander to lead their race to ultimate glory. However, supreme commanders representing their race has an extreme risk: All losing commanders will be stripped of their achievements and rank

The big question is: Who can take and hold 250 planets and conquer the Shaddan Sector!

Chapter 1

During the early stages of the Scorpius war, players have been using every bit of skill they have at economics, warfare, and especially diplomacy, to survive as long as they can.

Almost a year has passed since the official beginning of the Scorpius War (roughly Year 0010), and the Cyborg have already lost their homeworld. Although rumor has it that it is most likely the Lizard Alliance or even the Empire of the Birds that did it, anybody still could have done it.

At the time the Cyborg homeworld fell, five races have already constructed a second starbase, with Rear-Admiral Thin Lizzy leading with four starbases. There were also a total of 135 ships in service.

Chapter 2

Two years have passed since the beginning of the Scorpius War (Year 0011), and the ship construction has already been halted to avoid danger of black holes. Commanders will have to do everything to earn critical build rights by destroying opposing enemy ships.

All races are aware of the potential dangers, and have built "Transwarp Blackhole Limitation" sensors into every starbase that halts construction of any starships they may be building until it is safe to build them.

At the moment the black hole limitation became enforced, there were already an incredible 416 planets colonized, with Rear-Admiral Thin Lizzy in the lead with 72 planets and 89 ships!

Chapter 3

Although the Scorpius War had been progressing well with the commanders continuing to fight for the ultimate glory, some terrible has happened in Year 0015. First of all, Commodore Obscure has faded away from the war, leaving his poor people to be eventually captured or killed by the other commanders.

That is not all. The Rebel Confederation has been detected at employing "scorched earth" tactics, causing many planets formerly under their control to be uncolonized. General Kota is said to be the person in charge in these tactics.

On the 47th month of the Scorpius War, the Rebel Confederation originally had 42 planets. The Rebels went down to an incredibly low 3 planets 7 months later, with supreme commander Captain Tom Graves resigning 3 months afterwards.

Chapter 4

It has been nine years since the start of the Scorpius War (Year 0018). Although Rear-Admiral Thin Lizzy had taken a huge early planetary lead, he has Commodore SpaceSquad, and Commodore Hailon, and Rear-Admiral The Duke on his six regarding planets.

Not only is this war expected to last a long time, but also it can still be nearly anybody's game. General intelligence reports that Commodore SpaceSquad has been aggressively using his web mines!

Chapter 5

Twelve years have passed since the start of the Scorpius War (Year 0021). During the three years that passed, Commodore SpaceSquad has successfully taken the lead from Rear-Admiral Thin Lizzy, and even virtually killed off the previous competitor Commodore Hailon.

Meanwhile, Captain Nicodemus has proven to be a stubborn commander. He has only two planets, both with starbases, and no ships to protect the bases with. Who will be eliminated first?

Chapter 6

Thirteen years have passed since the start of the Scorpius War (Year 0022). Over the course of the last year, Commodore SpaceSquad has further strengthened his lead from Rear-Admiral Thin Lizzy.

Additionally, Captain Nicodemus has been eliminated from the cluster. Rumor has it that he was abusing holiday mode, slowing the game down. Commodore Hailon is bound to follow suit soon.

Chapter 7

Fifteen (15) years have passed since the start of the Scorpius War (Year 0024). Commodore SpaceSquad has gone nearly out of control, and is slowly inching his way to victory. He also successfully finished off Commodore Halion. Do the other commanders have what it takes to team up and beat down this Crystalline behemoth?


The Scorpius War finally has a victor, after eighteen (18) gruelingly long years (Year 0027). Congratulations go to the newly formed Emperor SpaceSquad of the Crystal Confederation! He has successfully taken and held a whopping 260 planets, and even nearly eliminated Ronnle Robot of the Robotic Imperium!

While Thin Lizzy of the Lizard Alliance tried his best to overcome those dastardly web mines, it was not enough to stop the Crystalline Rampage!

Final commander statistics (turn 155)
Race Commander Rank Bases / Planets
Total Planets 360 / 494
Fed Admiral The Duke 3 35 / 48
Lizard Rear-Admiral Thin Lizzy 2 118 / 129
Bird Man Captain Admiral Thrain 9† 0 / 0
Fascist Captain Nicodemus 8† 0 / 0
Privateer Rear-Admiral Mesh Hong 4 23 / 35
Cyborg Commodore Obscure 11† 0 / 0
Crystalline Commodore SpaceSquad 1 167 / 260
Empire Commodore Halion 7† 0 / 0
Robotic Admiral Ronnle Robot 6 3 / 4
Rebel Captain Tom Graves 10† 0 / 0
Colonial Captain Aladrius 5 14 / 18